All Day Out In The Sun

Literally, the moms dropped the yahoos off and we had the highchairs ready for breakfast under the big top (AKA the big blue dining fly).  We made trips into the potty and naps.  I even set up a changing table in the garage.  It was great.  I felt like I had spent a day at the beach.  After dinner, I showered, put on my comfy clothes and died!  And tomorrow will be the same except I plan on putting on my swimsuit and getting in the pool.  I thought I was going to melt out on that blacktop.  It didn't seem to bother them at all.

Levi is always the first to eat. Always.  He makes the loudest demands.

They love bubbles and they don't even have to be floating in the air.

These either are going to be the cleanest or the itchiest kids tonight t bedtime.

I look like Pappy!

Must be the adult swim.

She was making the world.

Levi decided to help and she thought it was the greatest thing ever.  They just laughed and laughed.

He got a little carried away.

It started out all fun and games.

Then someone decided it was time to eat chalk.

Ava had an A+ tears.  I think we are over the hump!

Levi loved his chicken and Ranch dressing but had enough of all the fun in the sun and he was more than ready for a nap.


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