Emmy Let Us Sleep In

Another tradition is walking to the ICW to see the sunrise.  Emmy let us sleep in two mornings but we were up at 4:30 ish to walk about 1.5 miles.  Actually, it was a near sprint because we were running a little late.

What a crew!

What are those yahoos doing in the background?

What we found on our walk.

We made it to the mailbox all the way to the end of the east end of the island.

PJ was checking it out.

Everyone had to take a turn at doing the crane.

On our way back.

There is my favorite beach house.  I call it the pink house and look what is right in front of it!

Some of our finds.

Already the favorite time day is low tide.  The boogie boards and smiles come out.

Ernie was doing his good turn for the day...trash run.  He went on LOTS of trash runs.

We had lots of cherries that needed to be eaten before they went bad.   So Casie comes up with the idea of a cherry pit spitting contest.  Cassie shared a spitting tutorial.

Here are all the contestants.

It didn't take long to get rid of the cherries.  There may have been a little discussion as to the winner.  You be the judge.

Saffi helped Andrea make Brazilian fudge cycles.  Delicious.  So creams and refreshing.

Lunch...eating yet again.  We have to do it in shifts.

Beach beauties

This is how we spend the days at the beach.  In shallow water looking for treasures

I had no luck finding shark teeth.  Emmy did find one small one.

The girls went shopping with Emmy and came back with matching shirts.

The boys wore there matching trunks.

After dinner, we were off to Fantasy Isle Ice Cream for the Annual Dollar Hole In One Tournament.

If I am not mistaken it was the first time playing for these beach bums!

Michael was the official scorekeeper for a group.  Emmy had her kids and I think Cassie was backup.

The mastermind idea a (by Pappy) is to place a dollar in the hole.  If the contestant makes a hole in one they get to keep the dollar.  He, on the other hand, gets to taunt the contestants through the 18 holes.

Alaire helped Davi on the first few holes.

I couldn't stand it so I gave him some tips.

He did a pretty good job and was always so excited when he would almost make it in.

With lots of us, we basically took up the entire place.

This is one serious golfer.

And look who is all smiles because she got the first hole in one.

Just taking a little break or maybe dropping a painted rock and being sneaky about it.

Playing under the lights!

And the winners are...

So many choices!

I think this means that he had a really fun day!


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