Birthday Celebration and Finally A Craft

Some days start out with a little extra TLC...and we all need it sometimes even Wammy's.

But the real fun starts when you anticipate a birthday celebration...before your birthday!  Notice that she is wearing her crown backward.  Short story...sometimes we (Pappy teases her and calls her Rori Belle John) get carried away.  I wrote Rori Belle John on her crown and she refused to wear it the right way.  We fixed it by making a red heart out of the John.

It is early.  The sun hasn't even warmed up the water in the pools.  You know it is cold.

They don't even care.

Today we got to do a craft.  They beg for a craft.  I had extra hands so it was a good day to try one.,

Some didn't get to go near the scissors.  That's a one-on-one thing for the boys right now.

Finished products...cute little snails on green leaves.

I think his snail crawled away.

Jase was not happy about this part at all.  He was all over using the markers!

Fruit smoothie time

Update on the second fly catcher...going strong.  Even caught a few horse flies and a couple of brown moths.


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