Because the forecast called for rain and lots of it we opted not to hike today...well...

Instead, we have two one.

And a camping one.

I don't do eggs.

We jumped back in the truck as if we hadn't been in there already enough!  We are still listening to The Boys In The Boat.  It is a very long book!

Montshire Museum of Science
Somehow we found this really cool place.  When we saw the sign we weren't impressed.  Little did we know.

I knew I was going to like it when they have it written in big letters that you can touch and smell.

But I am not touching those things.

This was really interesting.  Not a rock out of place.

Alaire and I headed upstairs.

Then Pappy showed up.

This is where I found Ellis on the first floor.

I drug him upstairs.

You have to read closely.

I could have stayed in the bubble section for the rest of the day.  Don't you know that we will be doing some cool bubble related things in Nature Camp next week.

It was raining but we tried to do a few things.

After leaving the Museum we were to meet Mellert and Barbara in Hanover, NH at Lou's for lunch.

So Dartmouth is in Hanover so parking was non-existent.  Until a nice lady gave her the rest of her parking pass to use for the time we were there.  And check it out...we were parking in the Marshall Lot!

While we were sitting there chit-chatting over lunch some thru-hikers came in to buy some sweets from the bakery.  The AT goes right down Main Street.

But we did eat a pie of Sky High Apple Pie.

white blazes

So actually we did do a little hiking in the rain!  So I guess you could call it a Half Zero Day.

Then Mellert took us all around Dartmouth.

Ellis even got to run on one of the fanciest treadmills I have ever seen.

Dog and Mellert together again.

Before we let Mellert gave me a little something to take with me on the trail.  Ticks are bad this year and the little white spoon thingie is a tick remover.

We were all pretty tuckered out so we headed to Wicked Good BBQ.

I need some little cast iron cornbread skillets.

The dinner and ride home jazzed some of us back up.  Pappy was pooped so he hit the tent.  The rest of us entertained the campground with these crazy trikes.

It took a little time to figure them out.

They could not have been happier.  You could hear them laughing all the way to the top of the hill.  Some people that were checking in said they could see them while they were in line to check in.

Best $10 I have spent to date.

The general store closed so we had to park the bikes.  Off to showers and book reading, we headed.


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