Rise and Shine

Sunrise was a 5:54AM on July 4th.  We thought it would be awesome to see where the sun hits the US first thing every day.  So we went to be early the night before.  We drug ourselves to the truck and quietly as we could. 

And here we are waiting.  I think we got the last parking spot on the Mountain.

You might think those are trees.  Nope people.  Couple hundred if not thousands of crazies joining us this morning on the Fourth of July.

Ellis found a great spot.

 Not a bad shot if I do say so myself.

I see it.

Bet you can't guess who played that on his phone?!?!

I was amazed at how fast it came up and that the colors were red, orange, and yellow.

We were starving and the only place that we could find open was Denny's.  And they only had one waitress.  Bless her heart.

Ellis and Alaire got in a little pool time while we tried to connect with the Internet. 

Back on the big circle road again.  I loved this rocky beach.

There were so many great smooth round painting rocks.

I wanted to pick up a few hundred of them to bring back to the ladies but it is against the law.  I might have put a dent in Seawall.


Pappy made some friends with the locals.  He knows all about Peral and her family and her time on the island.  All we wanted was their picnic table.

I have no idea what these flowers are but they are everywhere and they smell amazing!

Picnic in the back of the truck.

Love this old barn/house.

I'm just going to say that it is an eagle nest because I want it to be so badly.

To go along with your Fourth of July picnic you have to have ice cream!

pepperoni pizzas for dinner made in the pie makers.  And a little bit of chicken and rice make on my little backpacking stove.

We also finished another book...Absolutely Truly.  And we started a new book, Counting By Sevens.

Silas came by and helped us pack up.  They are also leaving tomorrow.  Great kid.  I got to meet his mom.  Super family.


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