I Am A Lot Overwhelmed...Day 1

There are so many stories that I want to tell.  and so many beautiful and funny pics that I want to share but I have no idea what the best way to do that it.  So I am thinking that I will break it up into days.  For at least now anyway.  Without further ado here is The 14 State Appalachian Challenge (this summer addition) in a nutshell.

Packing them in way early in the morning.

Cassie got up to see us off.

And we are off!

First State to travel through was PA.

I was in seventh heaven.  A literal busload of Amish 30-40 were just finishing up their breakfast and heading back to their bus.  There were little kids running all over the place.

We were all starving!  They got the buffet.

They weren't really impressed with anything.

I loved mine.  I thought I wouldn't need to eat for a few days.

We were faking a selfie so I could get a shot of the quilt behind us.  There were framed lap quilts everywhere!

Thinking we can paint some of these.

I seriously considered buying some of this coffee!

I needed them to pose on the back of the truck.  It always makes me so nervous when we have to strap all of the earthly vacation belonging into the truck.  We always look like the Beverly Hillbillies.

To help pass the time because it was going to be along trip...I put together an activity bag for everyone.  All kinds of car games and a journal for them to write down what they saw and what they thought.

Alaire had great fun with hers.  Ellis not so much,  I think he dis three days in about five minutes...just like his mom said he would do.

It helps me to remember things if write them down.  I know that there are misspelled words and maybe the English isn't perfect, and the writing is a little jiggly but that's okay with me because I hope to look back and read all of this a remember the great time I know that we are going to have.  Making memories for sure.  And probably some stories that they will share at my funeral because it is going to be a big party and everyone will tell dumb Jan stories.

Back in the car, we go.  Cassie downloaded a bunch of good books for us to listen to.  We started out with The Boys In The Boat.  It was a long one but it was really good.

Well, I never!

Lunch was about 30 minutes outside NYC (I think)

Everything even the water was delicious!

Every night no matter where we were or how late it was Ellis would run a mile or so.  Tonight was on the treadmill.

Then a good long swim!
There was a method to my madness.

The first day in the books...so good so far.

Side note:  Everywhere we stopped we might have 'dropped' a little painted river rock or two.


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