Heading Back To Acadia

Checking on the lobster pots (traps) that are right under the hammock tree.

Back on 'The Acadia Circle'.

He wants to get even closer to the water.

Oh no!   He got too close!  NOT

Alaire found pieces of crabs and put them together to make one.

But there were no otters.

Can you say lunch?

We knew I was going to like this place when our water was served in cobalt blue goblets.

yummy crab cakes

playing it safe

Bet you can't guess?


Bar Harbor wood.  Funny!

The name of our campsite.

Making S'More Pies in the pie maker.

Ellis and Alaire made a friend...Silas.

Ellis and Alaire made yet another carin each.

Silas with his newest creation.  We all thought WOW!

We were headed to bed because we had to get up really, really early for the sunrise and then this started.  They were great and lasted for ever!  Boats were anchored in the Sound and campers lining the shore.  Great fun.


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