Exploring On Day Three

I don't think she was a morning person this morning.

Ellis was in charge of bacon.

We always have Alaire's favorite on the first morning...eggs cooked in a bag!

You have to mix everything up in a ziplock baggie.

Then drop the baggie into a pot of boiling water.

Patiently waiting is not in his vocabulary.

Ahh, but when it is done....

Good to the last bite.

I wanted to bring some of this plant home but figured the Zone wouldn't be right.

Just chillin' making the plan for the day.  

We passed this coming in and just had to go check it out.

I took these two pictures for Michael.

Someday he will make me something cool like these.

And then there was FREE cheese tasting.  We were all over it.

I made them do it, they didn't want o but because they love their Wammy they did.

Pappy rested on the porch of the Information Center while we checked out the gorge.  Love it that the quote is by sitting Bull...and thee he sits.

We were impressed by this.

We hiked for a while.  Then Ellis ran down to the dam to see if it would be something we wanted to see.

While we waiting guess what Alaire did/

A little playing with the camera and Ellis when he came back.

The gorge.  Oh, my word.  We were on a bridge and when the big trucks went by I thought we were going to die.

Panning for gold or maybe it was fossils.

I love the New England look of houses.

Hiking the AT in VT.

And of course, he drank from the stream.

Great adventure, even better story!

We had to climb over the guardrail and walk across the street to find the trail.

Oh, and the farmer was cutting the hay as we crossed.

Okay kids, after hiking we can get ice cream.  We should have read the fine print and remembered that day it was.  no ice cream for us today.  Closed tighter than a drum.

Can you find the deer?

This was our turn around point.

Ellis always leaves us some sort of sign/signal that he is ahead of us.

We did get ice cream just not at the cool little shop.

I caught Ellis feeding the chipmunk.  Looks like he had been feeding him for a while.  Look at those cheeks.

She's ready for the campfire.

This plaque was on a huge rock where the flagpole is...funny story...Ellis bought Pappy one when he retired.

Looks like s'mores in the making.

We took a little KOA hike around the grounds to see all the different kinds of campers but ended up here.

Reading our chapter around the campfire.

Mark VT off the list.  Only two more states to go!


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