What On Earth

All I wanted was five bags of mulch!  Enough for one bed.  I had visions of doing one bed at a time.  One day at a time.  A few hours a day.  Well, that definitely isn't happening.

Then these came home in the back of the truck with a few bags of concrete.

Jeremy gave us strict instructions what we were not to dig any holes...he would be over to do it for us.  People that a lot of hard digging!  It is my least favorite garden job because I am so bad at it.  I promised him Monkey Bread.

And he's off.  Actually, this is the last post.

And how he climbs the ladder and hangs lights.  He also warned us about climbing ladders.

Funny side note.  Amanda brought the kids over and Adi wanted to take a little rest on the patio.  Just about the same time Stitch had to go to the bathroom.  How she managed to pee on Adi's shoe is a mystery to me.

The lights are up and on!

Pretend that the chairs have all been painted and they look brand new.  That job will be done sometime in the fall.  It is a pretty big one.

And during a break, I made a new friend.

A big black rat snake.

Weeding of bed number two.

I gathered old bricks from all around the yard and made a little border so when I put down the mulch it wouldn't go anywhere,  Hopefully, the bricks will keep the mulch from going down the 
French drain when it rains.

Hoping the rooster on the fence will keep the birds and snakes out of the strawberries.

Mark hung his watering can collection on the fence.

We started to tackle the big bed around the patio but pooped out.  We will get it another day.

I did manage to get the oak tree bed cleaned out.  I had a few feathered helpers.  If I turned a rock over and there were bugs, they immediately became history.

Later that night look who showed up during the rain.

And look where he was hiding out!  In the old grill.

It looks beautiful!  I can not tell you how much I love it.  This pic does not do it justice.  You will just have to come over after dark to check it out.

Jeremy, thank you, thank you, thank you.  The Girls thank you.  The rabbit thanks you, The Boys thank you.  We all thank you.  We could not have done it.  We would have been in divorce court or packed it all up and gone running back to Lowe's.  We appreciate you and Amanda for giving up a day family day to work so hard.


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