The Graduates Came To Visit

Waiting for Ellie and Louie on the front porch swing. Doodles and Noodles came to spend the day.

Getting ready to hit the trail.

First thing...Louie for a painted rock from Little River Rocks.  He was so excited.  We put it in his pocket and he carried it all day long.  Every once in a while he would take it out and look at it.

Climbing the old tree was a hit.

This makes my heart happy.  Kids reading because they want to.  Ellie asked me if she could read the books if she touched them gently.

Big black ant on a leaf.

We each got a few quarters of turtle food.  This part always makes me on a boardwalk over the water.  Not to mention that there is a turtle as big as they are that lives under the boardwalk.

Louie looking for the turtle.  He did come to eat our snacks but I couldn't get a good shot of him.

Getting my hiking legs ready.

They posed for this one the way they wanted to.

We took the Green Turtle Trail.

We weren't sure what this was.  We forgot to ask about it.

Checking out all the bones and things that have been found at
The Nature Center.

Louie just knew that was a spider.

Instead of having a picnic there as we had planned we had a picnic on the cool and shady porch.

Great flamingo cookies from Pop's from Trevor and Kelli.  Marli arranged hem on one of my old china garden party plates.

A little hot tub action.

Then a quick dip in the ghetto pool.


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