Caring Friends

I got a package in the mail the other day.  Very unexpected.  I thought Mark had ordered something else for us to take on the AT adventure.  So it had my name on it so I opened it.

This is what I found!  There was nothing to tell me who it was from.  Nothing.  Not to worry Emmy was on it! She and the people at Amazon Prime are on a first name basis.  I think they recognize her phone number when she calls or places an order.  She or they did not dissapoint.  Within five minutes we knew who it was from.  Jerri Black!!!  How sweet is that?  I got on the phone t let her know how thoughtful we though her gift was.  And that Ella, in her thin days, had worn a red color.  So it is just perfect.
Thank you, Jerri, from the bottom of my heart.  This is so special.  Now where to put it?


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