Ellis and Alaire Came For A Long Weekend

We got to spend a few days with Ellis and Alaire! A few jammed packed days!  Pappy drove to the halfway point to pick them up.  Then as soon as Wammyville closed it's doors for the week we were off to the races...well, a Reds game because we could and it was Friday Night Fireworks!
Ellis had a little snooze on the way.

Our seats were great....see those seats way up in the top row of the stadium...those were our actual seats.  We just kinda never made it to them.

Foul Ball Territory.  There were about 5 balls that hit within rows of us.

And then there was dinner at the ballpark.  Ellis ate my leftovers.

Always a good selfie with Pappy.

Can you say dessert?

Well, lookie there!

He had to get a shot with Rosie  

Then they gave out free mustache cookies.

Not everyone was thrilled about their stache shot.

This was as close to the fireworks as we got.  The games lasted until about midnight.  We opted to find the car and head for our comfy beds.  It had been a long day.  

It just so happened that there were a million of our favorite things to do going on that weekend. And we were going to try to do them all.

But first things first.  Breakfast bagels at our favorite spot...Everything Bagel.  And we had to drop a few rocks along the way.

I have been waiting for this weekend since I found out about it last year!  Red worms and nightcrawlers!

Jase came to wet a line.

And so did Adi.

We didn't slay them like I thought we would.  Better luck next time.

THE BEST Derby Pie recipe on the planet!

We eat it right out of the oven or the next day out of the fridge.  Or in this case, both.

Ellis before the Kentucky Derby.

Aaire and I are the big winners of the day.  For real if I would be a-bettin' woman I would have made millions.  I 'bet' on the long shot.

We have a long-standing tradition of supporting the runners in The Flying Pig Marathon.  This year we still were cheering on the runners but with a different group and at a different spot.

New and awesome location...The Mainliner.

We were looking for some specific runners...Nicole White who always pauses to give me a hug and then the Crawford Family...Fight For Together...who we followed as they did their thru-hike on the Appalachian Trail.

Here comes Fila Crawford!!!  Leading the fam!

And there they are, Ben Kami, Dove, Seven, Memory, and someone I am guessing to be a friend or cousin. (red shorts, white and yellow tanks are their every year 'uniforms'.)

There they go...on to mile 17.

But wait...Eden must have had to make a potty stop around the corner.  That made our day.  Only thing that would have put it over the top...a FFT selfie.

After The Pig we decided to try our hand at the big cats at the bottom of the lake.  We picked up some more red worms and nightcrawlers but added some chicken livers.  Popaw and Peep would be proud of these two anglers.  The bait their own hooks and take off their own fish.  And they don't complain...too much.

Those goat boots make her look amazing!

Nice crappie.

This was the only time she touched the chicken livers.  They were just too gross.

Kissing her fish for good luck.  We didn't catch any monsters like we were dreaming of.  But we did catch Pappy hungry...

Joe's Pizza Napoli...delicious!

After a good restful night for all of us, it was off to the races in Wammyville!  I had two extra helpers and the yahoos loved it.

 The girls just chilling in the shade.  Probably discussing which song from Frozen we should play first.

Well, then it got hot!  No swimsuits to be found so semi-nakie it was.

While we all were dipping our toes, Ellis was running his daily mile.

When he got to the top of the driveway he immediately dunked his head!  

Not too much went on after that.  They loaded up and headed back to IN.  And wonder of all wonders they only left one article of clothing.


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