They Are Dropping Like Flies

We were having such a great day...everyone back after three Snow Days and a weekend.  Everyone glad to see everyone else.  Ellie all dressed up for the 100th Day of School.  They discovered a new toy....and then the other shoe dropped...

Ava fell asleep...and let me just tell you she NEVER does that...EVER!  She has a cough and a little bit of a fever.

Jase almost asked to go to sleep.  He fell asleep in my arms.  So he was out and snuggled under a blanket on the other end of the couch.

Levi has a green runny nose like everyone else but he is a trooper.  He loves sleeping in Pappy's arms.  And I think Pappy loves it just as much or maybe even a bit more.

These guys were feeling great so we FaceTimed with Cassie and the kids.  Then we played a bit on the phone with all the pic stuff.

Not 10 minutes after we finished playing I found Connor sound asleep at the bottom of the steps.  You know they say never wake a sleeping baby.  We didn't bother him...just covered him with a blanket.  When he did wake up and eat some lunch he just sat in his seat shivering.

Ava woke up and said she was hungry.  Good sign right?  She ate a few spoonfuls of hummus and a little piece of meatball.

Someone has learned to pull up in the pack-n-play.  But he seems to be a little perplexed as to how to get back down.

Wammy help me!

After texting with all the sick yahoos moms meds were given to some.  Doctor appointments have been made for others.  And some will be picked up early.  Can I just say that it has been an exhausting day...and to be the first day back...sorta a double whammy.

But now all's well in Wammyville.  Sleeping under two blankets.

Sleeping with none.

He finally figured out how to sit down and then collapsed into a nap.

But this one is well and sound asleep like a little princess should be.

Classical music is playing in every room.  I hear sneezes, coughs and maybe a snore or two.  The dogs are sleeping and I am taking advantage of the quiet time before the storm hits again with a hot peppermint mocha with a side of potato candy.


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