Some Company Dropped In On Sunday Afternoon

Porche and her main man, Isaiah came by for a quick visit!  First things first...feeding the chickens.  He loves my chickens.

He felt bad for the goats so he fed them some of the chicken's Cheerios.

Matter of fact he fed them the rest of the box.  Guess we will be making a trip to the Dollar Store soon. Oh, and he decided that the white chicken is his.  When they got ready to leave he thought the chicken was going home with him!

Some new things...he now wears the cutest red glasses (don't know why he didn't have them on in the pics).  He is a math whiz.  A pretty good shot with a Nerf gun. and is working towards his yellow belt in TKD.  Time flies.   Porche is doing great and she looks really good.  Sad I didn't get a pic of her.  Next time.  She promises to come back real soon.


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