Just Stuff

Not saying who this is but he is rocking the Cinderella shoes and Gecko mask.  He loves to dress up!

We need a Catboy mask.  If anyone can find one at a good price, please let me know.

This is what happens when you are getting over bronchitis and all you want to do is play with your friends that you haven't seen for a few days.

Well, for all of you that enjoy Wammyville stories that you just would never think of happening...here's one for you.  Naptime is usually between 12:30/1pm and 2'30/3pm.  It is amazing I know but it usually is true.  The three boys are in the living room.  Little ones in pack-n-plays and Louie on his blur=e cot with his blankets. Ava in the basement on her pink cot with her pick blankets and new soft blanket.  Adi in the in 'train room' on the bottom bunk.  Little Levi is in the family room.  The dogs are anywhere there is a blanket or clothes on the floor.  Today I was on the couch in the living room listening to my book.  Jase was sleeping soundly not two feet away from Connor's pack-n-play.  Connor, with his jammies n backward, is under the mat on the bottom of pack-play.  So basically he has laying on the wood floor.  He is calling out, thank you and you're welcome.  Over and over and over again.  Once he figured out I was watching he started doing it even louder and more sign-songish.  Cracking me up.  And everyone was sleeping through it.  WIth this one you just never know what is going to happen.


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