Craziest Week To Date

I can't even tell you what day it is.  I don't remember what came first.  It has been one of the craziest weeks of my life and these pics only show part of it.

Cassie and the kids came for a visit.  They are the best Wammyville helpers around.  Alire is a natural and Ellis loves to play.

I think we tried everything we could think of in the Air Fryer.  Pizza rolls need a little tweaking.

Pretzels were perfect.

Grilled cheese on Sourdough...yummmm,

Alaire and I tried ourt hands at a little weaving.

Ellis got the kinks out of his new lightweight camping blanket I made for him.  (We will all have one come our annual trip on the AT)

Alaire and I took two afternoons to do a little rock painting.

She has a gift.

We took Ellis and Alaire to Zoup for a healthy lunch choice.

 Ellis couldn't decide so he chose three.

Mark chose a yummy salad.

Alaire and I split a soup and sandwich.

We got to spend a little time with Bryce and Sam in Florence, KY at Bardy Clark's basketball game.  And I didn't get a pic of our star player.  It was great to see the family.  Miss those smiles.

Lunch and Chick-Fil-A.

Big trip to Costco.

Tried a new grilled cheese my inspiration from Bite.  It has a secret ingredient...Granny Smith apple slices.

Looks like eating is our past time.  A trip to Dewey's.

I see leftovers for lunch.

And then it hit...Ellis and Alire both came down with some sort of 24 hour bug.  They were quarantined to the Train Room while the rest of us spent the day in the basement.

Our new friend KJ cane for a look-see visit and ended up falling asleep in Pappy's arms.

Maddie finally got to come downstairs with all of us.  She loves a good pile of soft things.  And Levi is great with the big dog...he has two at his house.

Mark had a doctor's appointment and I came down with the worst migraine in my life.  So bad we played in semi-darkness and I had to call moms to ask them to come earlier than they usually pick-up.

One of the mornings before the sun came up, this happened.  Michael gave Emmy's car a little bump.

Shoes are a popular commodity in Wammyville.  Ali found some cute Poppy shoes, which everyone loves!

And Batman loves the sparkle light-up shoes.

Gecko is on the scene.

Ellis is back on the job after a day.

Working on a project for Kairos Prison Ministry for church.

Sometimes you play so hard that you fall asleep while eating lunch.

This boy loves a good blanket or two, or thre, or all of them.

Sometimes you just want to play alone.

And sometimes it is good to share.

Or ride the dog.

Always a great time to get your hair in a ponytail.

Riding high.

My cousin Kim sent us a Valentine Party in a box.  She has no idea how she saved the day.

The bubbles were a HUGE hit.

Stickers, always a good idea.

Watercolors are lots of fun.

Sometimes you just have to find out for yourself...

A little bit of painting fun...

More fun for some than for others.

And then the cupcakes came out.  I didn't have enough hands to take care of cupcake business and pictures too.

It has been a busy and eventful week that is for sure...and it isn't over yet.  Thanks to everyone who helped out...we couldn't have done it without you.


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