A Little Crafty Thing

I saw something like this on Facebook and thought it might be fun to see what the yahoos would do with it.  So here is what they did.  I put it on the table and explained that the pipe cleaners went into the holes on the tube.  That is all I said.  I just sat back and took pictures.

Hmmm..she told me a long time ago it was a Dur-Dur tube.

It didn't take Ava very long to finish her 'spider'.

Louie got a little help from Ava.

Maybe a lot of help.

Connor was excited to do anything at the table.

He worked really hard and did it all on his own.

Just shoving them in worked also.

Finished product.

Sometimes things just go a bit better when you chew on them.

Louie finished.

Jase still working.

When you get your tongue into it. 

Spiders on the steps...sounds like a Raffi song title.

When Adi came home from school she had enough time to make one too.

I love little hands at work!

Louie loves to read and Levi loves to be read to.


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