I Get By With A Lot Of Help From My Friends

Today I put out a plea on Facebook for help finding wooden farm animals to add a little something extra to the outside of The Free Little Library.  I got tons of great ideas, lots of screenshots of places to order and suggestions galore.  I jumped in the car with my Michael's gift cards and headed to Eastgate.  Just so you know, Michael's has nothing that I needed.  So I made the trip to Hobby Lobby and look what I found...

Just the amount of chickens that I need.  The one was actually labeled a rooster but I am calling him a hen.  Someone shared that Melissa and Doug made puzzles with chunky farm animals with no knobs.  So I wrote Melissa and Doug and begged them to let me buy three goats, two dogs, and one rabbit.  Now I will just have to wait to see what they say.  Keeping everything crossed.

I walked down the driveway to show off my Little Library to our Christmas Carolers and found that someone had dropped off lots of books...just the type of books I needed too.  I was so excited! I ran back to the house and got my jacket and shoes and sorted then neatly.  Thank you so much, Stephanie!

Now all I want to do is stand by the window and watch to see when someone comes to check it out.


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