Turkeys Everywhere You Look

I knew from the get-go that these little turkeys were going to almost get the best of me!

I am sitting right across the table, just out of reach, helping someone work on their turkey.  I look up and Connor is going to town with the markers.

There are no words to describe him other than crazy, just crazy!

He's like a little water bug that goes nonstop.

He literally goes until he drops.
Somehow we managed to color all the turkeys.

All the turkeys!

This little turkey had cold feet so Pappy fixed her up.

Another colorful eye for this little turkey.

And our littlest one just taking it all in.

Oops! He lost his pants.

Pappy doing his best to get her goat.  He loves to tease these kids more than just about anything.  And the funny thing is most of the time they don't mind it at all.  The just look at him with a silly face and go on with what they were doing.


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