Oops! I Got A Little Behind

He just had to try it out.

He is like Goldilocks..tried them all.

The happiest baby on the planet, unless he is hungry or needs to be changed.

Jase LOVES Little Levi.

See I told you...that's an armless hug.

So serious.

He likes the babies too.

This is so funny.  Jase crawled right over and decided to read Levi a book.

And this is what the time change does to you.

He is actually trying to hide from me.

Another reader!

And he is gone.

Rodeo star in the making.

There he is!

A little dance party with Elmo.

fingerberries...loves them!

peas and carrots...not so much

meat gets a thumbs down

And then this happened.  He seems like such a big guy now.

And all of a sudden it was hat day!

We love books!

Cooper loves reading to the boys.  The girls not so much.

Oh my gosh...another hat!

Well, of course, we had to let him try one on.


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