Crazy Week

It has really been a crazy week with doctor appointments, moms out of town, extra yahoos, sickness, making secret recipe chili for the cookoff, making candy bar pies, Holiday Parade, and an ice storm that dropped three huge limbs from the big oak in the backyard that took out my snowflake there wasn't much time for taking pics.  My saying to the yahoos when '15' of them need me all at once, right now, can't possibly wait for another nanosecond...How many of you are there and how many Wammy's are there?  They have learned patience this week for sure.

Leggo's made another appearance this week.  It was like having a new toy.

She is working really, really hard for that candy corn.

Laundry baskets that I forgot to put in the laundry room became boats for a few days.

Or something new to climb on.

The girls got to color on the blind box with colored pencils while the boys were napping.

And I promise she was just wearing her mittens because she wanted to not because our basement is cold.

And always tons of fun...stepping on the bubbles to see how loud of a sound you can make.

And looks who is a big kid now.


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