Another One In The Books

Sometimes you need to do a little crafting before you leave to go to the bus stop.  I don't like it much when the 'big' kids miss out.  I know she had a  party at school and all, but she's still a Wammyville yahoo.

And because your sister makes hers you get to make yours.

These two really are incredible.

Halloween outfit number one.

Some Trick or Treat love before going to school.



Such a sweet Minnie.

We had our Halloween Parade around the neighborhood stopping at some friends to say boo!

This is the way to go.

Or you're the backseat driver on the double stroller.

And this is the driver, the lobster.  Can he see anything at all?

Chickie Ma making sure that all the little 'chickies' are counted for.

And Mr. Flamingo.  Yes, he actually walked around the neighborhood with that on his head.  Never dreamed that would happen.  NEVER EVER a dull moment!

On the way back we stopped in the yard with the best leaves!  

Not to worry we know them!

His costume fits him like a glove.

Oh no, Incredible man down!

Years from now this will still make me smile!

Party is actually just lunch.  All the moms and dads sent in a Halloween snack...mummy applesauce pouches, mummy hot dogs, jack-o-lantern clementines, fall trail mix, ghost string cheese, and Pappy and I filled in treat bags...

and one of the coolest things ever!  We popped corn right off the cob.  It was crazy.  So fun and it tasted great!  Everybody won because the chickens got the cobs.  You can check out the blog on NottaLotta Farm blog later.

We read our new Halloween book about a million and one times.  And then Adi read to Louie in Pappy's chair.  So sweet.

6PM rolled around really fast.  Michael and I set up the ghetto trick-or-treat station at the end of the driveway while Pappy went to pick up dinner.  Mr Bill from next door brought his chair and candy over when it started raining.  He and Mark passed the time talking sports while I counted costumes.  I think we had somewhere around 65.


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