Thunderous Thursday

Oops, I forgot to unlock the front door.  I got this text on my phone but didn't get it until after I got the be-jabbers scared out of me when Jon looked in the window at me.

He likes lots of different kinds of books.

He is going to be a great reader.

Or maybe a serious artist.

She loves the barbies.

This one is a cuddle bug!

She is learning how to put the clothes back on the Barbie's.

Told ya, cuddle bug.

This one loves to wrestle!  He thinks I am really, really funny because it always ends in a tickle.

Triple Trouble.

They look so cute.

She is practicing her mommy skills while Adi is at preschool.

This one was crazy!

This one had a colorful run at preschool.  And loved it!

Do you see the blue or green on her shirt?  She was so proud of it.

And today he got to use his own spoon on the mashed potatoes.

Black markers are so much fun.

We've all gone batty!

They pooped themselves out!


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