Something New For Us Today

Mark volunteered (voluntold) for us to go and 'play with the old people'.

Here's our group!  I made some new friends today from Eastside.

We got to go on a tour of the facility which is beautiful.  We all loved the artwork in the hallways.  These words were right inside the front door.

I fell in love with the stained glass in the chapel.

Because of some laws, I am not allowed to share any pictures of the residents that we did crafts with.  But I have to tell you that the gentleman that I watercolor/stenciled with looked a lot like my dad.  He tolerated me and my wanting him to work on his project but he loved talking to the men.  I was able to hold it together until we all left the room and headed for lunch.  I felt like I had just spent the morning with a little bit younger version of my dad.  Bet you can't guess what we had for of my dad's favorites...angel food cake.

We both enjoyed ourselves and hope to make another visit in the future.


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