Indiana Bound

We headed to a weekend with Cassie and her crew....some soccer...lots of good and a quick trip back home.  Emmy and Michael were in charge.

Book one...petty cute and not very long.

There are 57 chapters and we just started chapter 23 when we hit the driveway back home.

We were hoping that Alaire would be swimming so we could watch.  But we didn't get there in time.  So next best thing is playing National Parks Yahtzee.

And here we go...

After the games we let Alaire choose where we were having lunch.  We tried a really good Mexican restaurant.  Everything everyone had was great.  The chips were still warm!

Now if you know me at all you know that I  love sweets.  So Mark said that he always wanted to go we (I) could get something sweet to eat.

This place was amazing!!!!

Mama Ines
Mexican Bakery
518 Sagamore Parkway N, Lafayette, IN

You get a big silver tray then you walk around the walls of the store and choose what you want.  And yes we filled the try!

So hard to decide

Everything looked so good.  I am sure we will make many return trips!


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