Birthday Week Has Started

 Today started birthday week celebration!  Mark surprised me by having lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant, Cazadore's, with our Wammyville family (Yes, Tiffany/Tina you all are part of the family too!  You make Wammyville nice for us! )

 But first a little backstory.  Today was my first day teaching K-5 at church.  I have been a ball of nerves all week.  I wanted to try some different things that I thought the kids would like and would help them remember the lesson.  I made two 'flavors' of playdough, had lots of extra activities ready just in case, went early to arrange the room a little differently, and spent a little time talking to God asking for help.  Then we had a special Pastor Appreciation Fellowship which the children in the classes held up 'We Love Our Pastors' signs.  After church, I had to clean up the room and when I came downstairs Mark was all bent out of shape and told me he was hangry and that's why he was so grumpy.  So we called Michael (or that's what the story was) and he never answered his phone.  I was telling Mark how the morning went as we were walking in and really didn't really notice anything.  But when I looked up to tell the greeter how many of us there were I noticed Ava and her parents sitting at the table.  That is not unusual because we have seen them there before.  Then I noticed the Bruce's.  All of a sudden it clicked!  As I looked down the table, ALL of Wammyville was represented!  I think I counted...19 and then Tiffany and her family came!  If I'm counting right 23!!!  What an awesome surprise!  I cried, of course!  It was the GREATEST thing ever!

The Bruce's

The Thomas's

The Zimmerman's

The Milligan's (minus Jon)

The Smith's

 The Jewett's

Mark, what a sweet idea and I can't believe that you pulled it off without me figuring it out.  But jsut know that when March comes better watch out!


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