The Graduates Back For A Visit

The Thompson's came back for a visit!!!!  First thing Carter wanted to do was go check on the chickens.

But somehow Ally came back with the only egg.

The Ally built the little ones a tent.

And they loved it.

She even built in a library.

This girls is going to make a great babysitter and then and even more awesome Mom one day.

He looks so innocent.

Ava wanted to play with the Barbie's today and nothing else.  Not even the Poppy shoes!  

Levi had his personal Nanny today!

Carter could not get enough of Jase.

The gang!

Taking turns with the books.

Little stinker has figured out how to get into the closet.

Madi taking Pappy down!

The chickens love visitors.

Carter wouldn't tell you but he kinda likes the babies.

What a great day was.  It was wonderful having the Thompson's here.  They were a big help for sure.  They have all grown up so much!  Miss them, crazy kids.  Maybe another time when they don't have school they can come back for a repeat!  And thanks to Julie for all the goodies.  We will put everything to good use.


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