RRT Window Display

Our favorite Outdoor Equipment Store is located in Old Milford...RRT...AKA Roads Rivers and Trails.  So they posted on Facebook...
"Our customers have been to some pretty cool places over the last 8 years.  As a company, it is YOU who continues to inspire us and we want that to be a constant reminder in our store.  We're launching our RRT Sightings Campaign and are asking you to send in pictures from your adventures with RRT branded gear (stickers, shirts, water bottles, etc).  On September 15 we're going to reveal a new window display featuring you as part of our RRT family!  Send your photos through FB messenger or to rrt@roadsriversandtrails.com and receive a free RRT sticker when you find your picture at the reveal!"

So I dug through the last few years of pictures and found four!

And there it is!

Love the world map with pinpoints!

And here we are,

It was interesting to see where people have traveled.

I love my RRT.  Everyone is always so nice.  Very knowledgeable and extremely helpful.  The merchandise is top notch!  I can always find things I need...or maybe it is a want.  If you have questions they have the answers.

Thanks, RRT for making us always feel like family.

When we go anywhere in the outdoors I always make sure I have my old school RRT gray t-shirt.  It's my favorite!


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