Rock Pickin' With Shannon

I have wanted to go here for months.  But Saturdays just haven't worked out...except for today!

ROCK MECA!!!!!  Never have I seen such great rocks.  Sorry, Big Box Stores I won't be getting my rocks from you ever again.  I'll travel to Anderson Township for the best rocks on the planet!

Bring your own bucket.  And start picking the most perfect rocks for painting.  I got 30 pounds of rocks for less than $13.  They are smooth, some small and a few big ones.  No pieces or cracked ones.  Perfect rocks I am telling you!  And they had a really nice man carry them to our car.

Thought that was funny.

Just a few rocks that they had on display.  The cat was done by a famous rock painting man from Northern Kentucky.  We all want to find one of his rocks.  They are stunning!

So Shannon left a rock in one of the rock baskets after we finished our picking.  The lady in the striped shirt found it.  Come to find out that she was getting ready to have some surgery at the beginning of the week and she was getting some rocks to paint while she was recovering.  They were so nice!  We invited them to rock painting sometime.


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