Buzzardroost Rock Hike With Emmy

 Early Saturday morning Emmy and I got up and headed to somewhere off Rt 32 on the edge of the Appalachians.  I thought we would get there at the Golden Hour.  From everything, I read the view at the end of the trail was breathtaking.  But before we got to the trail we made a little turn and ended up at the Creek's Bend Overlook.  What a nice place.

A painted rock might have gotten left there.

Back in the car and headed down the road to the trailhead.

So first off we see milkweed.  And if you know me you know that I love a good monarch butterfly caterpillar.  Look closely you can see a few in the pic.

We decided that we better get going because it was going to get hot.  The grasses that we had to walk through were wet, filled with pollen and taller than we are.

Emmy signing us in.

And we are off following those rust blazes.

We crossed creek after creek.  And they were all beautiful.  The best part of all...there were no rocks to slip on because there were really nice bridges for each crossing.



Looks like she likes them.

things growing everywhere

so pretty

Salamander or newt?

A spiderweb that looks like a hammock.

I love thistles.

We walked over some deep crevasses in the rocks.  See that light brown dot?  It is a whole big enough for a small child to crawl through on the side of a cliff.  It was amazing.

We made it!

I tied my boots a different way this hike and I didn't get tied up or fall one time.

While we were snacking this little beauty showed up.

It was almost like she was posing. 

But she wasn't very nice.  She kept sticking out her tongue.

There might be a little bear painted on a rock that was left there for someone to find and the rehide.

Emmy checking out the view.  Not me...too far down for me.

Anybody know what kind of snake this is?  It was dead and there was over half gone.  He has/had a red belly.

This caterpillar was wearing his winter coat.

This was a strange looking creature.

We ran into about 100 spiderwebs along the way.

These two were sooooo pretty.


Emmy almost stepped on this one.

Mural in town...Courthouse Square, West Union.

Well, let's just say a stalk of milkweed came home with us.  There was a chrysalis and a few, like 5-6, caterpillars on the leaves.   On the way home Emmy sent out a plea for a 'birthing' container.  We got one.   Picked it up in Loveland on the way home.   So now we are just waiting for our little caterpillar community to change into beautiful Monarch butterflies.


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