Another Early Morning Ride To WV

Left the house when it was dark out so I got to see the sun come up.  That time of morning is such a wonder.

Had a new book to listen to.
My first stop was to pick up Robin so we could 'plant' some ashes at our house.

Now before you think we are crazy...I got in touch with the family that lives there now thru the neighbor across the street and Facebook and they gave us permission to do it.

The plants and flowers looked beautiful.  We even got to take a quick walk-thru of the house to see the improvements they had made.  Everything looked so nice.  They had left a few things that had been there the entire time we were growing up.  I am so thankful that we were able to do this.  It really gave us closure.

If you look really hard you can see the telephone pole that is on the back left corner of the lot...that is the spot.

We got some shots of our first house and the house that Mamaw and Papaw lived in until Papaw moved to Wyngate.

The bushes have really grown.

Then we stopped by the Zban's to see Linda!  The Zban's were our backyard neighbors.  We might have had a little rock exchange at the end of our visit.  Sure was good to see her and hug her neck.

This next part might not be important to anyone else but it was to us.  We had a little scavenger hunt in the cemetery.

First Nanny's site.  Nanny was our Mom's mom.  Robin is now nanny to Lyla.

We found our parent's marker.  We made some promises to our dad and I am happy that we finally got to see them accomplished.

We have one more scavenger hunt to do but that will be later when we finally get more info.

Then we were off for our babysitting duties for the night!!!

Lyla Jean wanted some playmates for the night.  So we were on night duty.  It was a tough job but somebody had to do it.  Big sister Mila keep watch.  And she is serious about her job!

We didn't fight over her this time because Emmy wasn't with us.  Robin and I share pretty well these days.

I just can't get enough of her!  I think her hair might turn out to be strawberry blonde.

She's the best sleeper,  eater,  burper,  pooper, snuggler, and very patient with us while we had a style show with all her pretty clothes.

And we got a break from all of our baby time...Molly made sure we each got an in-home facial.  What a hoot!  We looked like we had scary Halloween masks on.  And no there are NO PHOTOS!

I am already checking my calendar for the next time I can go home...


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