The Day They All Came

Not to worry I didn't have them all to myself all day.  Four of them left before lunch was over or near the end of lunch.  And I had my trusty and very capable assistant Carly with me.  Mark had a doctors appointment so we call in our best second string player...Betsy!!!  I couldn't do it without my village.  Jen and Katie even stopped in for a few minutes.

First things first...look who lost a tooth!

Trying to get this wild man to sit and wold a paper...shoot jsut sit for a few seconds wasn't working for us.  So this is what we got.  I'll take it.


The bathing beauties and Pappy looking out for the in boys looking at the girls, not the little boys they could care less.

Ellis made sure everyone had their spot to draw.

Carly discovered that if you get the chalk wet is is brighter and makes a paste.

Levi jsut taking it all in.

I love chalk drawing on the driveway!

The gang's all here...all but Levi and he was helping take the shot.


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