Playing Blog Catch Up This Week

It has been a really busy few weeks.  Lots going on with AT Challenge, Township Camps, and family vacation.  I don't think we could jam another thing in.  Well, maybe one more thing.  I tried making a blog but it would work for me out here in the boonies.  So you get to scroll through a billion pictures.

If you can't remember what we are doing I'll explain it again.  The Appalachian Trail is made up of 14 states from Georgia to Maine.  A few years ago I decided that it would be a great adventure if we could complete the 14 State Challenge...meaning you hike some in each of the 14 states.  This is our third year and we are hitting NY, NJ, CT, and MA.

Ellis, Alaire, and Micahel will be joining us for this trip.  But first a little planning dinner.

The first book on my phone was a family favorite!  Ellis and Alaire can recite the entire book.

We left really early so we saw a lot of this during the day.

We made it to Akron before we stopped for a break.

Cassie chose our second book.

It was a hit!

We made it to our first campground in NJ.


A trip to the grocery store.

Pappy was really good at finding us a campground next to or really close to the AT.

Home Sweet Home for a few days.

He NEVER sleeps in!  HA!

Alaire was in charge of this breakfast....omlets ina a bag.

Our first hike.

Trying out the LifeStraw in the stream.

The creek may have been rocked.

WalkieTalkie, Slipslider, GoatBoy and The MEllis on the way back down the mountain.

And there was a bear sighting!

Ellis left his walking stick as a sign for us that we were going the right way and that he was in front of us.

A little creek playing and some cairn making.

Nothing but rocks!

But we made it to the top and didn't die.

While we were up there we picked some blueberries for Pappy's breakfast.

And we saw a rattlesnake at the bottom.

To cool off we had a little dinner with an ice cream treat.

Ellis found a friend on the road.

Another early morning!  Heading to The Big Apple for the day.

We were some of the first passengers.  The conductor said the train would be full...1600 passengers heading to the city.

We had to make a transfer.

We made it without losing anyone.

Breakfast in a bagel shop.

We had tickets to ride the double-decker sightseeing bus all over NYC.  And let me just tell you it was a little more than really hot that day.

Time Square

Off to see Lady Liberty

Next stop...Ellis Island.

Packed, showered, and heading to CT and MA.

Best campsite ever!

Ellis and Alaire worked on the teepee for days on end.

blackberry cobbler made in the dutch oven

Happy 4th of July

Everything that had a food smell on it had to be stored in the locked cab of the truck because there was a bear sighting in the campground.  We just left our our because we would be traveling to the trail.

You can never have too much water on hand.

Another bear sighting.

Some creekin' to keep us from overheating.

Micahel reading his book for Summer REading for school.

Millions of baby water walkers.

Pappy doing his thing...exasperating.

Might have made it to my door for some painting later.  Relocating to another state...maybe like VA.


divining rod

Hiking in CT

Another exhausting hike.

Dinner was Michael's signature meatloaf.

We took a little trip down the river and saw two bald eagles!!!

Nightly campfire.  Tonight with s'mores.

Awesome retro bakery i Kent, CT.

And we met some thru-hikers!

We got to play on some statues while the truck tire was being fixed.

You know we HAD to go!

Look, I found New Milford.

See the white blaze.  The hikers can pick up their drop boxes and other mail here.  Also, they let them use the Internet.

We made a stop at a little cheese shop.

dinner...two kinds of pizzas made two different ways.

One in the dutch...

and one on the griddle.

So we wouldn't have lots of clean up the morning that we packed up, we got to go out to breakfast!!!

And back in the truck...

Breaking up the trip is a great idea.  Nice swim, clean sheets, and a bed!!

And another stop to check on the truck time.  Hmmm, they found a nail in it.  fixed us up in no time.

We had just enough time to mess around in WaAllyWorld!

And there was a new navigator and a new book.

One last meal on the road...

Micahel and Ellis working out some math problems.

Next stop...Home Sweet Home!

I am unable to download any more pics and there are some doozies.  But our Internet is a little wacky today.  MAybe when we get back I can add more.


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