My Second Day Of Rest

...was filled with a little bit of this.

The Oakes went on a little mountain biking trek so I went fly fishing.

Pappy enjoying the shade.

Got me one big ole bass!!!

I could gt use to doing this all day long.

Ellis trying out my fly rod.

So of course Alaire had to try too.

Good Old Pap took us to get ice cream at the caboose.

Best homemade iecream ever!

Alaire got Michigan Potholes.

So dod Ellis.

Micahel got the Big Dam Sundae.

And here is the dam they area talking about.

A ittle after dinner fishing.  Alaire caught about 4 and Ellis caught one catfish.

Totals so far...I caught the fist and biggest, Alaire has caught the most, and Ellis has had the most mishaps.  But tomorrow is a new day and the leaderboard could change quickly.


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