First Ever Meet And Greet

I know that when some of you read this you will think, 'I thought she said when the last group all graduated from Wammyville she was retiring."  Well, I just throw it out there that it might not ever happen, that retiring thing. Because this just happened.

First Annual Wammy/Pappyville Meet and Greet

I made name tags because there are some people that have never met.  Each had the person's name, who they were married to and the children's names color-coded pink for girls and blue for boys...  Sorta like one-stop shopping.  See the face, read the info, remember the info.

I might just have painted a few rocks that were hidden on the playground for them to find.

Everyone brought a dish or two to share.

We got to meet and snuggle with the newest little ones.

And draw pink cats that were colored in purple with some new yahoos.

We got lots of smiles and lovin' from the 'old' yahoos.

Pappy even got a little belly meat.

There were lots of big smiles!

Even from the little people.  And there were some there that so much want to be a part of the craziness at Wammyville.

We ran into a few friends from church and they found some rocks.  How cool is that!

This cutie-pa-tootie found the smallest rock.

The good old bubble machine brings them running or crawling.

They have grown just a little since the beginning of summer.

I think they might have missed each other.

Jase, Amanda, and Adi.  Jeremy, we missed you.  But don't worry we have plans to get together again sometime.

Youngest yahoo...Levi with his mom and dad, Ali and Jon.

Carly, the Wammyville want-to-be, Maggie, Connor, and Tony.

We missed you, Erin!  Louie, Jon, and Ellie had a great time.  Your kids made it home in one piece.  Jon gets two thumbs up from me...the brownies and fruit were delish.

Ava with her Dad, Shawn and Mom Tammie.  They are newcomers to Wammyville.   I think Ava will fit right in.  She's one of the big girls that I feel sure will help out a lot.

Amanda shared these two shots with me.  I love them, the girls picked up right where they left off...smiling and giggling all the way down the slide.

Jase trying on Pappy's hat.

We had so much fun we were thinking that we should have a Wammyville Graduates Party with the Thompson's, Ellison's, and Noeth's next.  And then another one for the After School Bunch.


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