Poor Thing
She scared me half to death. Last week I let the dogs out before I went to bed like I always do. They usually do their business and then are wanting back in so they can get to the dog beds. Tonight Ella came back first. I waited and waited for Stitch. Finally, I went out calling for her. But no Stitch. I get a flashlight and roam the backyard calling her every minute or so. No luck. I go ger Mark. We both go around the yard again. Still no Stitch. So we call in the big guns, Michael. Stitch likes Michael a lot. I figure if she hears or smells him she will come. So now all three of us are out in the backyard with flashlights in our pj's calling for this silly dog. I think the worst has happened. I can't just leave her out here all by herself all night long. So one more trip around the backyard. I find her stuck under a bush in between the goat pen and the fence, She is so long there is nowhere for her to turn her long body around. I shine the flashlight in her face and her tongue is hanging out farther than I have ever seen it. and she is shaking and slobbering all over the place. I call her and she doesn't move. I shine the light in her face and call her name and finally, she comes. Poor thing she was a wreck! And so was I.
I pulled her dog bed into the kitchen and left a light on for her. Poor thing.