May Rocks

I have been doing a little late night painting.  And then today I got to paint with two Wammyville Graduates that have come back for a few days while their parents are tieing up loose ends at school...

Saw this on Facebook.

 2AM painting projects.  Couldn't sleep, so I paint.  Then time gets away from me...not good for the next day.
Then yesterday evening I did these pretty quick.  I am trying to use up the two junkie bags of rocks that I have.  I'll be more careful with my selection of rocks next time I buy some.  could be awhile.

Sitting out by the ghetto pool...

Today SnowWhite decided to come and try her hand at rock painting.

And the first-ever Wammyville graduate is here for a few days.

They worked really hard...

And so did I!

Tomorrow Noodles and I are going to go GeoCaching while the little ones sleep.  I think one or more of these rocks might find it's was into the cache.


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