Betsy's Quilt For The Thailand Mission Trip

JULY 12-22, 2018

Betsy's youngest son Fred and his wife Tacie are leading a mission trip to Chiang Rai, Thailand with the youth of Kenwood Baptist Church here in Cincinnati.  

Betsy has made a quilt that will be auctioned off on Mother's Day just a few weeks away.

All of the fabric that she used was given to us by a member of the church, who had a friend that had passed.  She had literally rooms full of fabric.  Betsy is very frugal.  What a great way to use the fabric!

Playing around with the pattern.

Chaing Rai is a quiet, provincial town in the northern-most province of Thailand.  Outside the city, Hill Tribe people work the land for agriculture. The population is about 200,000 people

First piecing complete.

Rows added.

Top and bottom borders are on.

It fits a regular size bed.

Here is where we come in.  We can buy raffle tickets to win a chance to take this beauty home.  Betsy has taken it to Mt Washington Baptist Church and sold some tickets.  I think by now the quilt has made its way back home to Kenwood Baptist Church.  If you would like to have a chance of winning this quilt you can go on to Kenwood's Web page and buy a chance. or two or three.

Hopefully here are some quick and easy ways to navigate to the giving part of this project.

Go to
Find at the top of the page Ministries.  Click on it
Find Student Ministries.  If you are in the right place you will see a short video from Fred.
At the top right there is a heading Serve and Give.  Click on it.
Go to the bottom of the page and there is a box GIVE.  Click on it.
Find Student Ministries in the drop-down box.  Click on it.
You can enter your donation amount.
 Donations...$1 each: 6/$5 or 15/$10

If all else fails you can call the church office ad they can help you.  513-791-0355
Or email

Please pray for the group as they travel and teach, witness, and love on the children/people of Chiang Rai, Thailand.


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