A Fun Day

Mondays and Fridays are our light days...three yahoos.  Adi is such a great helper!

We picked up Jen and the girls for our walk and Emmy just happened by and took our picture.

Instead of putting water in the pool we opted just to let the boys play in it...contained them and they didn't scuff up their toes and knees.  Jace found jus a little bit of the leftover water from where I cleaned the pool out from yesterday.

Then Conner got in on the action.

Look at me Mom, I pulled myself up on the side of the pool.  Oh no!

Rule #1...please don't eat the cars.

And look who else can stand.  He can even shuffle sideways a bit.

Oh, baby..watch out.

Can you see my two new bottom teeth?  I have been working on them forever!


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