What a Week It Was

We finally saw some sunshine and we soaked it all up...every minute of it.

Madi got to go pick up Rori at Preschool.  And while she was waiting he hid one of my rocks.

It was a pink rock with a black cat.

Never a dull moment.

We had a little tent time.

Got to see our favorite principal on TV on the Today Show.

They wake up smiling.

This is how we get the downstairs.

The basement is the place to be early in the morning...before it gets warm.

The Tompson's gave us a new slide.

I got a mattress from my dad.

Someone is trying so hard to pull himself up.

The chef and her helper.

Taking a little rest.

Checking out the chickens.

Helping Pappy clean up.

She learned about chicks in school.

Best 'toy' we have.

Nothing like a little coloring in the driveway.

The dude and his hat.

He could be a little mechanic one day.

He would be a happy one.

Stitch loves the sun.

Ella like sneaking away as fast as she can...and we all know that that isn't fast at all.

sword fighting

Oh no.  He has all the swords.

One down

Two down

not even close

side by side sleeping today

in the shade

I love the way he wears his hat.

Oh now, look who is almost crawling!

This is how we get them to eat their meat...smother it in Montgomery Sauce.

Somedays you just get to do a little extra when you are in PreK

And you get to hide rocks when you sneak into your sister's field trip.

Painters at Valey View Nature Preserve.

 Marli's Art Class went on a field trip.


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