Short Hike Saturday

A quick little trip around the wetlands of Shor Park.  I have always driven by this Park but never had the time to stop.  Today was the day.


Lots of different varieties of daffodils.


Mark doing what he does best..reading every word.

Love this!

Check them out on Facebook.

Our hiking selfie.

I took the high road and walked over the bridge.  I'm still a little leery about crossing creeks.  Mark crossed on the rocks.

Emerald ash borer beetle at work.

I didn't have much charge on my phone so it was Mark's job to map our walk.  This is what he came up with...walking on a treadmill???

I had taken enough pictures so I mapped out walk.  This was the end of the walk.  In total, we walked for about an hour.  Have no clue how far we walked.  We will do better next time.  We want to go back with the Spring peepers are talking to each other.


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