Oh Glorious Day Indeed

Porche and Isaiah were going to meet us for the 9:30am service this morning.  They made it about 10:20.  Ha.  But that is par for the course.  

Isaiah can always find the animals.  This is Judy's Service Dog, Journey.  I have no idea how Isaiah got the leash.  He guided that dog all over the lobby.  One minute he was there with the dog and the next minute he was gone.  Seriously , GONE! I could not find him anywhere.  Mark and Porche finally found him in his class.  Not too sure how he got there.

And then this happened.

He was in line to go up on the stage to sing.

The back story is...he has never been to our church let alone stepped foot in this classroom.  But yet here he was getting ready to sing a song he did not know with kids he has never seen before.

He was so excited.  I was so nervous!

And low and behold our Ellie was standing right in front of him.  Two of my all time favorites getting ready to sing.

I had seen Ellie earlier in the morning and she showed me all of her sparkles.  

How llucky am I!  To be able to see them both sing and be close so I could get pictures of both.

I must say that I did the grandmother thing and 'pushed ' my way to the front of the room to get a front row floor seat.  Couldn't get better than this!

I tired to get Ellie to notice me but I think she was looking for her mom.

And then there was this ball of fire.

She saw me in line waiting in the hallway and asked where Pappy was?  Seriously?

One proud Wammy here!

And of course thereis video.   May not be the best but it is good.


bayers said…
Jan, our granddaughter Carly took a liking to Isaiah, and it was Carly who both gave Journey to him to lead around, and then escorted him to class (actually, I found her serving him a cup of coffee heavy on the cream and sugar, and told her she better skiddadle to class, she grabbed him and off they went). Kids sure were cute up there today!!!

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