Happy Easter

We are spending the day, Mark, Micahel and I, resting doing really nothing in particular.   As a family, we went to church...Sarah and her boyfriend completed our row.  Then out to dinner at our favorite Mexican ...Cazadores...750 OH-28, Milford, OH.  Then this morning Mark and I went back to church.  Micahel and the dogs slept in.  We enjoyed a very lazy brunch and now I am listening to Michael rattle around upstairs.  The dogs and Mark snoring in peaceful slumber.  I am in the recliner under a heated blanket trying to catch up on laundry and blogging.  My kind of Sunday.  Gearing up for Monday when Wammyville opens back up and the fun begins.

I borrowed this from Matt Zban's Facebook page.

And if I were looking for some Easter rocks to find, EAstside Christina Church might be an excellent spot to look.


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