Grand-Daughter #2 (or #10) Will Be Here Before You Know It

So here is how the story of the grandkids goes.  Cassie has two, Ellis and Alaire.  Bryce has one, Sam and Mia will be making an appearance in October this year.  Then we have Isaiah and Davi from our other 'daughters', Porche in Cincinnati and Andrea in Brazil.  And then there are the yahoos here that are just like our grandkids.  And the Mander's who we also claim as kin.  And we love them all as if they were really ours...but they really are.

Mia Martini Ellis will be here sometime in October.  Around the 24 would be nice I think.

Just in case you are adding fingers and toes...I think the grand total comes to 8 boys and 10 girls!


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