Fun Day

It has taken me awhile to get back into the swing of Wammyville but today was a great day!  Lots of kids and lots going on.

We practiced several things on the new mat.  How to wait our turn.  How to wait in line.  How to do a front roll.  And how to follow directions to make it back to the end of the line.

We constructed a huge awesome tent and put the tumbling/sleeping mat inside to sleep on at nap time.

And today was the first time Louie acknowledged that Jace existed.  It was like...hey, where did you come from?

They were so funny laughing at each other.

Louie finally decided to hug him.  

Yep, the gang is all here...except for Cooper and Delaney who were busy learning at school.

Working on being able to wear big girl pants all the time.  So proud...she got three stickers...

She earned a trip to the prize bucket!

After lunch, there was a little resting/sleeping time.  I even got in on the tent rest.

It was a beautiful day so we got to play on the driveway.  Stitch was guarding the yahoos and loving the warm blacktop and sunshine.

And someone got a box of hand-me-downs and was more than just a little thrilled with them all.

A great day to be in Wammy/Pappyville!


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