Call Me Crazy

Today we died Easter Eggs.  I missed Easter, everything has been such a blurrrrrrrr.  The yahoos thought it was the craziest thing!

Had lots of help getting everything prepared.

Working colors and math into this art project...always teaching!

Shake it baby, shake it.

Egg coloring experiemet #2

Maybe we didn't do it right but our colors weren't very vivid.

Not at all.

She's getting this potty thing down.

We watched the video of Ellie and her friends singing at church.

Then we had to be silly.

Pappy even got in on it.

The girls were excited to tell Rori all about dying the eggs.

Pappy.s breakfast, lunch and snack for the rest of the week.

Sure you all can take a nap together...RIGHT!

Everything was upside-down.

These three DID NOT SLEEP!


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