Back In Full Force

This has been I think the first full week we have had with the yahoos ofWammyville.  I'm still trying to get in sync.  We have a lot going on...potty training, teeth cutting, trying to remember the rules, remembering how to play with friends...we all have had to have a refresher course.  Well, maybe not Pappy.  He has it down!  It has been a great week!

This is Pappy's new and improved 'sit on the couch and hold hands' until you can be nice to each other time-out.  Cassie and Emmy had to do it.  Then there was Michelle and Sarah that had there time on the couch.  The Friendship Circle is sitting close, holding hands, and arms around each other.  It is not much fun once you figure out you have to stay there until Pappy thinks you have thought about why you are there long enough.  Once was all they had to do it...that day.

A cool tent for Adi to sleep in.

Someone is giving crawling his best.  Love seeing him rock on his knees.

Pretty lame craft...chicken coloring pages.  But they loved it.

But they loved it.  And we never waste the backside of the paper.

We made tacos out of our new tumbling mat/ sleeping mattress.

And that my friends is the happy face of a successful trip to the potty!

Cooper can be having the worst day but as soon as he sees Jace his frown turns upside-down and he becomes chill again.

Big prize bucket.

A little love for the chickens before we don't see them while it is snowing.


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