The Big Clean-Out

How can one person collect so much stuff I have no idea.  And I have come to the conclusion that I had better start now cleaning out thing so my kids won't have such a long and hard job.  They might never get all my treasures taken care of.  One of the funniest things is...I found money.  I called my sister to tell her about it and she was floored.  Where had it come from?  Finally after about 20 minutes talking it through she remembered that she had placed it in the cabinet for safe keeping.  It was just a little for the incidentals that would come up from time to sitters before Stitch came to live with us.  Don't you know that from that minute on we checked every nook and crannies and all his pockets.  But we came up empty-handed.  But we had fun dreaming of the millions that he probably had stashed.  Just trying to make more lemonade.


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