Stitch, Our Guest For A Bit

 Stitch is here for awhile while my dad is back in the hospital and now in Skilled Nursing.  Now according to my dad Stitch only likes certain canned foods and needs to eat soft bagged food.  

Well, I hate to burst his bubble but she eats just about any dog food you put in her bowl.  And she eats twice a day.  She has gotten so thin.  I think she is worried about my dad.  But now that Ella is here to give her a little competition during mealtimes, she is sucking it right down.

Each time we go home I haul all Stitch's stuff back and forth.  Both animals were sharing Stitch's bed.  Ella used pieces of an old quilt I had.  But now she has a really nice soft bed.  It really helps her get up...her feet don't slide.  She is loving it!  Sometimes in the morning, they both will be on one pad.  A few mornings Stitch thinks the new bed is a potty pad...UGH!

She has such a sad face.  She misses her buddy.  And I think somedays she wishes she was somewhere else because there are so many little people.  She doesn't mind the goats or the chickens one bit.  We can put her out in the backyard and she will sit in the sun for a long time not noticing anything going on around her.  Next week she will get another bath and her eyes done in hopes she will get to go home.


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