
Spring Break snuck up on me this year.  And thanks heavens it did.  I am finally able to sleep for about 5-6 hours in the bed.  My arm/shoulder seems to be getting better believe it or not after about a week of not being able to do all my therapies.  

The weather has been really wet and crappy this week.  We have had one 'good' day to be out in the yard.  Well outside.  The church clean-up was canceled due to snow last Saturday.  So Mark and I went over early in the week to help.  We got the back fence that runs the length of the property.  

Believe me when I say that it is long fence line.  I am standing at one end and the other end is past that big blue sign way back there in the center of the picture.  I figure if the weather stays like it is now it might be August before it is all taken care of.  A little at a time and we will get it.

I don't care how long it takes...good therapy for my arm and shoulder, mind, and soul.

This is what the above looks like all cleaned up.

Then we had to be on 'dog hunt'.  Scampers got out but some nice family not too many houses up the street found him and got in touch with us via FB Neighborhood Page.

Picked up food from the church for MMM delivery.

Then we headed back to church for a little more work between rain bursts.  This time we took Michael's truck.  Filled his truck and went home and got Mark's truck and dumped a load here in the woods at church so we didn't have to make the trip to our usual place and use up one of our cards.  Win, win I'd say.

I'm so wishing that the weather will clear up and get a little warmer so things will dry up so I can get out for a hike before Spring Break is over.  Not looking too great.  I hear it might snow on Sat!  I looked the weather say snow for Wed of next week.

I almost forgot to show you my treasures...or junk as Mark calls them.  A praying mantis egg nest thingie, a penny that was head up and a gold ball.


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